Warm spices and brown sugar add rich, caramelized flavors to this carrot cake.
John Autry
Some time back, carrot cake became the poster child for a healthy-sounding food that is actually a fat and calorie disaster. But we'd forgotten how much of a disaster it could be until we looked at an online recipe from a celebrity chef who shall go unnamed. There it was, in all its splendor, weighing in at 1,460 calories and 28 grams of saturated fat in one gargantuan three-layer slice.
Few are the recipes that have been made over quite this dramatically. We shaved about 1,000 calories and 89 grams of total fat. Yet, it's delicious: Creamy butter and smooth buttermilk create a perfectly moist, tender texture. Earthy brown sugar brings out the warm cinnamon spices. Real-deal cream cheese and butter maximize frosting flavor. Low-fat fromage blanc and a light sprinkle of toasted pecans make it a special, vastly lighter treat.
1,460 calories per slice
99 grams total fat
28 grams saturated fat
24 tablespoons of oil for moisture
Frosted with one stick of butter and a pound of cream cheese
Pecan extravaganza
1,460 calories per slice
99 grams total fat
28 grams saturated fat
24 tablespoons of oil for moisture
Frosted with one stick of butter and a pound of cream cheese
Pecan extravaganza
284 calories per slice
9.7 grams total fat
4.9 grams saturated fat
6 tablespoons butter and a rich splash of buttermilk
Frosted with a hint of butter, cream cheese, and fromage blanc
A perfectly toasted sprinkle
284 calories per slice
9.7 grams total fat
4.9 grams saturated fat
6 tablespoons butter and a rich splash of buttermilk
Frosted with a hint of butter, cream cheese, and fromage blanc
A perfectly toasted sprinkle
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