Chinese food

-The delectable and traditional Chinese food recipes have been the benchmark of excellence in the culinary field. They are the product of an imaginative mind and greatly noted for their distinctive taste as well as being extremely nutritious.
-Chinese cooking is one of the greatest methods of cooking. Since ancient time, many factors that have influenced its development. Confucius once said: "Eating is the utmost important thing in life." Cooking Chinese food requires more time and effort, and is considered a very sophisticated art. As a result, many travelers who have visited China consider Chinese cuisines one of the best. 
-Chinese food styles:
* Hui (Anhui)
* Yue (Cantonese)
* Min (Fujian)
* Xiang (Hunan)
* Yang (Jiangsu)
* Lu (Shandong)
* Chuan (Szechuan)
* Zhe (Zhejiang)

-Chinese dishes by styles
Chinese Tea
Chinese Wine
Anhui Food
Beijing Food
Cantonese Food
JiangSu Food
Hunan Food
Shanghai Food
Zhe Jiang Food

-Pictures of Chinese food:


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